
Iconography and Hand painted icons

There’s no greater sight than that of modesty and purity in the faces of young people today! No greater sight! When we taste heavenly manna, wild carobs will mean nothing to us. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

Άγιον Πνεύμα_Holy Spirit_Святой Дух_978966_7695943698473106014_nSynaxarion From the Menaion.
On June 25 we commemorate the Leave-taking of the Feast of the Nativity of the honorable and glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John.
On this day we also commemorate the Holy Monastic Martyr and much-suffering Fevronia of Nisibis (304)
On this day we also commemorate the Holy Martyr Orentius of Anatolia and his six brotheres by birth, whose name were Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Kyriakos, and Longinus near Lazica (4th century)
On this day we also remember the help that was given to us against all reason and hope, by our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, through the intercessions of the one who bore Him seedlessly, against those who by land and sea had surrounded our Queen City and who were given over to complete destruction and obliteration.
Venerable Symeon of Sinai (5th century) – Our righteous Father Simon
Saint Theoleptus of Philadelphia, Metropolitan of Philadelphia (1322)
Venerables Dionysius (c. 1389) and Dometius (1405-1410) of Dionysiou Monastery, Mount Athos
Saint Dalmatus, founder of the Dormition Monastery in Siberia (1697)
Venerable Methodios of Nyvritos, near Gortyn in Crete, ascetic (17th century)
New Monk-martyr Procopius of Varna and Mt. Athos, at Smyrna (1810)
New Martyr George of Attalia, at Krene in Asia Minor (1823)
Saint Cyprian, hieromonk of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1874)
New Hiero-confessor Nikon (Belyaev) of Optina Monastery (1931)
Repose of Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (1958)

Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

Ραφαήλ_Raphael archangel _ Архангел Рафаил _Άγγελοι_Angels_ангел_b245f97106aac2c4A few female students came to see me today and told me, “Geronda, pray so that we may pass our exams.” I said, “I will pray that you pass your purity exams. This is the most important thing. Everything else falls into place after that.” It was the right thing to say, wasn’t’ it? There’s no greater sight than that of modesty and purity in the faces of young people today! No greater sight!
Some traumatized young women come to see me. They live unruly lives with young men and they don’t realize that these men do not have good intentions and, of course, they end up getting hurt. “What must I do, Fa­ther?” they ask. “The tavern owner,” I replied, “may have the drunkard as a friend, but he will never accept him as his son-in-law. Stop having relations. If the man really loves you, he will appreciate it; if he leaves you, you will know that he doesn’t love you and this way you will not be wasting your time.”

It is true, unfortunately, that there is so much filth in this world that no matter what path the soul that desires purity may follow, it will get soiled. The difference is that God will not make the same demands on a Christian who wishes to remain pure today that He made in the past. Purity requires nerves of steel; a young man must try every means to resist temptation, and he will surely have Christ’s help. When divine eros is kindled in his heart, the burning is such that every other desire and un­seemly picture will be burned out.

When this divine fire is burning in us, we experience pleasures so divine that all other pleasures pale in comparison. When we taste heavenly manna, wild carobs will mean nothing to us. This is why we should hold fast to the steering wheel, make the sign of the cross and not be afraid. After every little struggle, heavenly delights follow. If we are brave when temptation comes, God and the Panaghia will help miraculously.

The Elder Augustinos had told me the following sto­ry (7). When he was a young novice, he lived in a Monas­tery in his native Russia. Most of the Fathers there were old and so they would use him for various chores such as helping a Monastery employee with fishing, the Monas­tery’s main means of support. One day the daughter of that employee came and asked her father to return home for an emergency and she stayed to help in his place. But the poor girl was seized by temptation, and without think­ing, came on the novice with sinful intentions. Antonios, this was his name when he was in the world, was tak­en aback because everything happened so suddenly. He crossed himself and said, “My Christ, I’d rather drown than sin!” and plunged into the deep river.

But the Good Lord, seeing the heroism of this chaste young man, who acted like Saint Martinianos (8) in order to remain chaste, kept him afloat and completely dry! “You see,” he ex­plained to me, “I jumped head first into the river and I still cannot figure out how I found myself standing up with my clothes dry!” At that moment, he had felt an in­ternal peace and inexpressible sweetness that made every sinful thought and carnal desire caused by the indecent gestures of the young woman go away. When she saw Antonios standing up on the water, she was overcome by repentance and started weeping, deeply moved by this great miracle.

Know, the young people who will be kept pure today in the new age will be numbered with the martyrs of our Church at the time of judgment

(7) See Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, Athonite Fathers and Athonite Mat­ters, p. 93.
(8) The biography of Saint Martinianos (we commemorate his name on Feb­ruary 13) mentions that when he was an ascetic, living on a rocky outcropping in the sea, a shipwrecked girl approached the rock on a raft and begged him to save her from the sea. The Saint first pulled her out of the water to safety on his rock and then, after praying, jumped into the sea. By divine Providence, dolphins came, took Saint Martinianos on their backs and carried him to safety on the shore.
(Elder Paisios of Mount Athos Spiritual Counsels 1 – With pain and love for Contemporary Man”, Part 3, Chapter 3, Holy Monastery “Evangelist John the Theologian” Souroti, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone

Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who made fishermen all-wise, sending upon them the Holy Spirit and, through them, netting the world. O Loving One, glory to You.

Apolytikion. From Menaion
Mode 4. Come quickly.

O Prophet and Forerunner of the appearance of Christ, * with longing we honor you, although we have not the means * of extolling you worthily. * Your birth, which was exalted * and most glorious, ended * the barrenness of your mother and the muteness of your father; * and unto the world it announced * the Incarnation of God the Word.

Troparion of St Febronia – Tone 3

Like a fragrant rose of asceticism/ thou didst breathe forth the myrrh of Christ./ Wherefore He has glorified thee as a righteous martyr, O Febronia./ Intercede with Him for those who cry:/ Rejoice, noble and blessed Martyr.

Troparion of St Febronia – Tone 3

Thy ewe-lamb Febronia crieth out to Thee with a loud voice, O Jesus:/ “I love Thee, O my Bridegroom,/ and, seeking Thee, I pass through many strug­gles:/ I am crucified and buried with Thee in Thy baptism,/ and suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign with Thee;/ I die for Thee that I might live with Thee./ As an unblemished sacrifice accept me,/ who sacrifice myself with love for Thee// By her supplications save Thou our souls, in that Thou art merciful.

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