
Iconography and Hand painted icons

“And I was weeping, weeping…”. ” Father Porphyrios saw me and told me: – Don’t weep like that Father Eumenius, nothing will happen. The our Panagia will be merciful. “

ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ_Holy Resurrection of Jesus Christ_Воскресение Иисуса Христа_56929.bxchrist-the-conqueror-of-0Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς Ἀνέστη!
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
ХристосВоскрес! Воистину Воскрес!
ქრისტეაღსდგა! ჭეშმარიტადაღსდგა!
«Rejoice!» «Peace be unto you!»

Stand for the reading of the Synaxarion.
Synaxarion From the Menaion.
On May 23 we commemorate the holy Myrrh-bearer Mary the wife of Clopas, who reposed in peace. (1st c.)
On this day we also commemorate our devout Father Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Synnada.(826)
Saint Manaen (Manahen), prophet and teacher of the Church of Antioch (Acts 13:1) (1st century)
The holy Martyr Salonas of Rome died by the sword.
The holy Martyr Seleucus died when he was sawn in two.
Saints Eutychius and Florentius, two monks who governed a monastery in Valcastoria near Nursia, Italy (540)
Our righteous Mother Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Princess (1173)
Saint Damian (Damianos in monasticm), (King Demetrius) of Georgia (1125-1156), Hymnographer (1156)
Hieromartyr Daniel with 30 monks and 200 laymen of Uglich, during the Polish–Muscovite War (1608
Synaxis of All Saints of Rostov and Yaroslavl
Slaying of Soldier Eugene Rodionov in Chechnya (1996)
On this day we also commemorate our devout Father Eumenios Saridakis (1999)
Uncovering of the relics of martyrs Evdokia (Sheikova), Daria (Timagina), Daria (Ulybina), and Mary (Neizvestnaya) of Puzov– village of Suvorovo of the Nizhny Novgorod region (2001)

Mary now brings her soul and not aromatic herbs,
To You O Savior as a most aromatic fragrance.
Healer of lepers and pestilential diseases,
You were seen, Eumenios, as a guide of the faithful.

Elder Eumenios once told me that the Third World War, would have taken place, in the area of Russia, namely Ukraine, and he also said this later when we went on a pilgrimage to Russia .
– We were all at the forefront, he told us.
-What do you mean ”we all” ???
– All of us, Father Porphyrios was there, Father Iakovos was there, Father Paisios was there, all of us monks went to the forefront.
He was talking about another ”forefront”, a spiritual one.
“And I was weeping, weeping…” he continued to tell us. ” Father Porphyrios saw me and told me: – Don’t weep like that Father Eumenius, nothing will happen. The our Panagia will be merciful. “
We understand by this, that Elder Eumenios was in the company of Holy people. They knew each other…”[This is the testimony from Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphu. ]
(see Simon the monk, Fr. Eumenios – The hidden saint of our age, Athens 2010)

Saint Eumenios Saridakis, Those who want good rulers, God sends them good rulers. Those who want saints, God sends them saints. Whatever the people want, God sends them.


Metropolitan: When will the events in Crete and Cyprus take place?
Gerontissa Galactia of Crete: My child, not many things will happen… 2-3 days the Turks will appear…. They are cowards… We have the Bolsheviks. Does the Bolshevik I have there (stuck on the fridge St. Evgeny Rodionov) do things? He tells you “let them mess with Greece and they will see what they will suffer from us…”.
book “Saint Gerontissa Galactia of Crete”


“Elder Eumenios who sent me here told me to tell you that, you should bring the miraculous icon of the Holy Great Martyr George from the Holy Altar so that I can venerate it.”
Miraculous operation of the Saint Eumenios Saridakis on a girl who was suffering from demonic influence

One afternoon in the year 2005, a girl and her father from Larissa visited the Koudouma Monastery in southern Crete, asking to visit the Church of the Panagia.

Entering the church, the girl could not offer veneration, because something prevented her. The father explained to the Abbot that his daughter was suffering from demonic influence and the late St. Eumenios from the village of Ethia in Crete appeared to her in a vision before this time (they had never heard of him) and urged her persistently to come to his tomb and he would heal her, because, as he told her, he had suffered the same from demons, “only I suffered from pride, while you from blasphemy.”

“So today we came to Crete and went to the tomb of the Elder and while we went to venerate, my daughter heard the voice of the Elder saying to her:
‘Go to the Monastery of Koudouma and ask the Abbot to make the sign of the cross over you and you will be well.’”

After the grieving father explained, the Abbot read over her the prayers prescribed by the Church for these cases. After many difficulties caused by the sufferer during the time of their reading, and after the end of the prayers the girl turned to the Abbot saying to him:
“Elder Eumenios who sent me here told me to tell you that, after you make the sing of the cross over me, you should bring the miraculous icon of the Holy Great Martyr George from the Holy Altar so that I can venerate it.”
The Abbot did not know of any miraculous icon of Saint George that exists in the Monastery, and especially that it is in the Holy Altar, and he told her that what she is asking for does not exist. She insisted, as the Elder had told her, that it exists in the supplementary area of the Holy Sanctuary, hanging over the door. When the Abbot entered, he found that indeed above the door of the sanctuary was the icon of Saint George, a work of the year 1917, and he praised God for the miraculous intervention of the Elder.
After that they offered their veneration and left the Monastery, the girl at rest and calm, because it was getting dark and wanted to catch the ship for the return. Since then, we especially honor the holy icon of Saint George in the Monastery.
Source: Magazine of the Holy Monastery of Koudoumas of Crete, “Koudoumiana Messages” (Jul – Dec 2014, Issue 26)


The singer who witnessed a miracle

Stamatis Kokotas, one of the most famous Greek singers of the 1960’s and 1970’s, testified regarding a miracle he witnessed when he met St. Evmenios Saridakis.
The singer was at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in North Attica, (Athens, Greece) where St. Evmenios lived and served as a priest at the time, in order to visit someone he knew in the hospital.
As he was walking by the rooms, he recalls seeing a priest with another patient. As he was walking and talking with someone, he suddenly heard a commotion coming from another room, where he went to find that people were crying.
When he asked what had happened, he was informed that a girl who was a patient was near death and would not survive the night.
The singer felt sorry for the family of the girl, and informed them that he saw a priest in another room with a patient, and he went to get the priest in order to come and read a prayer over the girl.
The priest came and said to those who were there:
“Don’t cry. She is well.”
He then asked to be alone with the girl, so everyone left the room as he remained inside and read a prayer over her. The child immediately recovered and asked for something to eat.
“This happened in front of my eyes,” said the singer.
After this took place, journalists went to interview Father Evmenios, but during the interview he never mentioned the incident, instead he told them about another incident where he had a problem with his leg and the Panagia healed him.


Ευμένιος Σαριδάκη_Elder Eumenius Saridakis_Св. старец Евмени Саридакис_707_55033047320075_n (1)St. Evmenios many times when he was liturgizing, would drive out the children from the Sanctuary and in addition he seemed as if he did not want them to be near the Beautiful Gate.
In fact, during a Divine Liturgy, he approached the mother of a child and asked her to take her child out of the church! She was surprised and after the initial shock, indeed took her child out of the church. Then she asked him why he did this scandalous thing, and he simply told her that the child had just seen him (St. Evmenios) hovering above the ground and flames coming from him!
The Holy Elder knew that only the pure children could “see” him with their pure spiritual eyes and could perceive the divine revelations and signs that happened when he was officiating.
Being therefore afraid that the children would testify to others concerning what they saw and that he would be glorified by the people, he avoided children and in a way pretended to be awkward.

May we learn from Evgeny’s Rodionov constancy, dignity and bravery to face and overcome our own daily temptations to betray Christ. May we bear our cross daily and NEVER, EVER be ashamed to wear our baptismal cross…

Holy Elder Eumenios Saridakis an extraordinary, blinding radiance appeared, and the divine light penetrated deep into his soul.

Apolytikion. Mode 2.

When You descended unto Death, O Lord, You who are immortal Life put Hades to death, by the lightning of Your divinity. And when You raised the dead from the netherworld, all the hosts of heaven sang aloud to You, “O Christ God, Giver of life, glory to You!”

Apolytikion Saint Evmenios Saridakis of lepers in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone

In thee the image was preserved with exactness, O Father; for taking up thy cross, thou didst follow Christ, and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to overlook the flesh, for it passeth away, but to attend to the soul since it is immortal. Wherefore, O righteous Eumenius, thy spirit rejoiceth with the Angels.

Apolytikion of St Michael of Synnada Tone 4

You are a guide of Orthodoxy, a teacher of piety and modesty, a luminary of the world, the God inspired pride of monastics. O wise Michael, you have enlightened everyone by your teachings. You are the harp of the Spirit. Intercede to Christ our God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion of St Euphrosyne Tone 4

Thou didst give thy wealth to the poor,/ and despise the rank of princess and temporal betrothal./ Thou didst betroth thyself to Christ thy Bridegroom,/ and thy wreath was spiritual and bodily purity./ Now thou dost stand before Him:/ Remember us who venerate thee,/ O Euphrosyne.

Troparion of St New Martyr Evgeny Rodionov,(by Hieromonk Varlaam (Yakunin) from the Altai)
Tone 4

Thou hast suffered a martyrdom of the last times, the adornment of the Christ-loving armies, O holy Martyr Yevgeny, thou wast devoted to of the Cross of Christ, from our God and Saviour, thou hast received a crown, O Champion of Christ pray to the Lord that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St New Martyr Evgeny Rodionov

Thy martyr, Evgeny, O Lord, in his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God, for having Thy strength he has brought down his torturers, has defeated the powerless insolence of demons. Through his prayers save our souls.

In his sufferings, O Lord, Thy martyr Evgeny received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; for possessed of Thy might, he set at naught the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Apolytikion of St Joachim of Ithaca Tone 3

Shining with divine grace, you illumined those caught in the darkness of ignorance and apostasy by your teachings and radiant wonders, Joachim, most-divine ascetic, all-honorable offspring of Ithaca, entreat Christ to grant us the great mercy.

Both now. For the Myrrhbearers.
Mode 2.

The Angel who had come to the sepulcher said to the Myrrh-bearing women, “Ointments are appropriate for mortal men; but Christ is indeed a stranger to decay. Now go proclaim that the Lord has risen and granted to the world the great mercy.”

Kathisma I. From Pentecostarion 
Resurrectional.Mode 2.

The women came secretly to Your tomb, bringing spices to anoint You at early dawn, fearing the severity of the Jewish leaders, and dreading the security of the guard of soldiers. Yet their frail nature prevailed over manliness, for pleasing to God were their sympathetic sentiments. And fittingly they cried aloud, “Arise, O Lord; help us, and redeem us for Your name’s sake.”

May we learn from Evgeny’s Rodionov constancy, dignity and bravery to face and overcome our own daily temptations to betray Christ. May we bear our cross daily and NEVER, EVER be ashamed to wear our baptismal cross…

Μυροφόρες_Myrrhbearers_Жёны-мироносицы_beli-andjeo-mileseva1 (1)Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
ХристосВоскрес! Воистину Воскрес!
Kristus (ir) augšāmcēlies! Patiesi viņš ir augšāmcēlies!
ქრისტეაღსდგა! ჭეშმარიტადაღსდგა!

Martyr Basiliscus of Kamani (c. 285-305)
Martyr Sophia the Healer.
Righteous Melchizedek, King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) (c. 2000 BC)
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council (381)
Commemorated on May 22

Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary, the wife of Cleopas, aunt of Jesus (1st century)
Saint Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Synnada in Phrygia Salutaris (826)
Saint Euphrosyne of Polatsk, Princess (1173)
New-Martyr Eugene Rodionov (1996)
Commemorated on May 23

Holy Elder Eumenios Saridakis:
the holy friend of lepers
Reposed in the Lord on May 23, 1999, The seventh Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha, Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council

St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia used to say about Elder Evmenios: “ You should go and receive the blessing of Elder Evmenios, for he is the hidden Saint of our time. A saint like Elder Evmenios comes along only once every two hundred years ”.

Only saints can talk about the saints as they share common spiritual experiences and understand each other’.


Saint Evgeny Rodionov, the widely venerated Russian soldier who was beheaded by Chechen Muslims for refusing to remove his cross and deny Jesus Christ, is a real saint for our times. How many would not hesitate to remove their cross in order to save his earthly life? Such a simple thing, such a seemingly small confession of faith which we poor and weak ones take for granted every day, yet this young soldier persevered in faith in spite of horrible tortures, and earned a glorious, heavenly crown.
As Hieromonk Joachim exhorts us at the end of his sermon on St Evgeny (below):
And may we, dear brothers and sisters, learn from Evgeny’s constancy, dignity and bravery to face and overcome our own daily temptations to betray Christ. May we bear our cross daily and NEVER, EVER be ashamed to wear our baptismal cross and be ready at all times to defend our holy Orthodox Christian Faith by living a holy life in accordance with the commands of Christ.

ΕΥΓΕΝΙΟΣ ΡΟΝΤΙΟΝΩΦevgeny-rodionovNew-Martyr Eugene Rodionov of Chechnya

Eugene Rodionov,19 years old, did not lose his faith despite horrible tortures “The Chechen captivity is the most horrid, the most inhuman and barbaric thing that can ever happen,” says Eugene’s mother. She had to survive hell to find her son, the body of her son, to be more precise. Eugene’s death coincided with his 19th birthday. Eugene’s mother, Lubov, was a little late: she was just seven kilometers far from the place of her son’s execution.

“Eugene was born 30 minutes after midnight on May 23, 1977. His delivery was not hard. He was a good and healthy child, his weight was 3900 grams. I was so relieved, when I heard his first cry. As if he was trying to say: “I came into this world, love me!” I incidentally looked at the window. It was dark outside, and I suddenly saw a falling star. I went pale, my heart turned to a cold small piece. Doctors tried to convince me that it was a good sign. They told me
that a falling star was a sign of good life for my baby. However, I had to live with a sense of something dangerous coming over us. Time made me forget about it, but I had to remember the sign in 19 years.”

The Russian patriotic press has already reported about the deed of a 19-year-old Russian soldier, Eugene Rodionov. This young man found himself in the Chechen captivity in 1996. He did not betray either his fatherland or his faith. He did not take off his cross even at the hardest moment of beastly tortures. The state decorated Eugene with the Order of Courage. People’s donations made it possible to put a two-meter high Orthodox cross on his grave. People come to visit his grave from most distant parts of Russia. His mother, Lubov Rodionova, says that people’s attitude changed her entire awareness of life. A WWII veteran once came to visit Eugene’s grave. He took off his military decoration – the Bravery Medal – and put in on the tombstone. Eugene Rodionov’s biography was published in a book that came out in 2002. The book was called “The New Martyr of Christ, Warrior Eugene.” This is not really a book, but a booklet, which was written by priest Alexander Shargunov. However, we know little about Eugene’s inmost thoughts, feelings, emotions, or what he had to go through during three months of the Chechen hell. A lot of things remain a mystery.
Lubov Rodionova shared her thoughts with the priest about her son’s childhood, his interests at school, his attitude to the military service. She also shared her most horrible thoughts – about the news of his alleged desertion from the army, and what followed that news afterwards.
Eighteen-year-old Eugene Rodionov was taken captive with three other soldiers at night of February 14th, not far from the Chechen settlement of Galashki. The guys arrived from the Kaliningrad region. They patrolled the border between the republics of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Their control and registration post was located some 200 meters far from the security detachment. The post was just a small cabin, without any light or wire communication. The cabin did not even have a military support, in spite of the fact that it was a single cabin on the mountainous road, which was used for carrying weapons, ammunition, captives, drugs and so on. The border guards stopped an ambulance vehicle to check it. More than ten armed Chechens got out of the vehicle. Needless to mention that it was very easy for them to cope with young inexperienced soldiers. The guys showed as much resistance as they could, but the outcome of the fight was evident before it even started. Lubov Rodionova believes that this incident happened over officers’ negligence, basically.

“The captivity has always been considered to be the most horrible thing that can ever happen to a person. It implies no freedom, but only tortures and humiliation. Experience showed that the Chechen captivity is the most horrid, the most inhuman and barbaric thing that can ever happen,” Lubov Rodionova believes.

Ευγένιος Ροντιόνωφag_Evgeniy RodionovAs soon as she learned that her son was a captive of Chechen guerrillas, she started looking for him all over Chechnya for nine months. She had to go through every horror imaginable. “I think that God was watching over me. I was walking along mined roads, but I did not step on a bomb. He protected me from bombings, he did not let me die, because my duty was to find my son, to bury him on his native land, according to Christian traditions. I have realized that recently. When I was walking along those military roads, I just kept silence, praying to God in my heart.”

Chechen bandits murdered Eugene Rodionov on May 23, 1996 in the Chechen settlement of Bamut. Russian troops occupied the village the next day. Lubov Rodionova learned about her son’s death only in September. She had to put a mortgage on her own apartment in order to find Eugene’s body and to take it away along with the bodies of his murdered friends. A Chechen man agreed to show her the place, where Eugene was buried. She had to pay him a lot of money for that.

“When I came to Chechnya in the middle of February, a living private cost ten million rubles. This price was 50 million in August. A friend of mine was told to pay 250 million rubles for her son, since he was an officer. It was nighttime, when I and some sappers were digging the pit, in which the bodies of four Russian soldiers were thrown. I was praying all the time, hoping that my Eugene was not going to be there. I could not and did not want to believe that he was murdered. When we were taking out the remnants, I recognized his boots. However, I still refused to accept the fact of his death, until someone found his cross. Then I fainted.” Eugene Rodionov was murdered by Ruslan Khaikhoroyev. This bandit confessed that himself. “Your son had a choice to stay alive. He could have converted to Islam, but he did not agree to take his cross off. He also tried to escape once,” said Khaikhoroyev. The guerrilla was killed together with his bodyguards on August 23, 1999 in a fight between armed Chechen groups.

When Lubov Rodionova came back home, Eugene’s father died five days after the funeral. He could not stand the loss of his son. Archpriest Demetrius Smirnov, acting chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate department for cooperation with the Armed Forces, says that Eugene Rodionov will definitely be canonized. The adequate inquiry has already been made, although more information about Eugene’s fate is needed. Father Demetrius said that Eugene would be canonized as soon as the information was collected.

A sign in memory of the brave Russian border guard was put at the entrance to the school, where he studied. There was also a documentary released about him. The writings on Eugene’s grave cross run: “Russian
soldier Eugene Rodionov is buried here. He defended his Fatherland and did not disavow Christ. He was executed on May 23, 1996, on the outskirts of Bamut.” “We know that he had to go through horrible long-lasting sufferings that could be compared to the ones of great martyrs in ancient times. They were beheaded, dismembered, but they remained devoted to Jesus Christ anyway,” priest Alexander Shargunov said during the requiem in Eugene Rodionov’s memory.

Taken from Desert Wisdom Book Room at All Saints of North America Orthodox Church.

Holy Elder Eumenios Saridakis, the hidden Saint of our time and the holy friend of lepers.

Ευμένιος Σαριδάκη_Elder Eumenius Saridakis_Св. старец Евмени Саридакис_evmenio-3Apolytikion of St Michael of Synnada Tone 4

You are a guide of Orthodoxy, a teacher of piety and modesty, a luminary of the world, the God inspired pride of monastics. O wise Michael, you have enlightened everyone by your teachings. You are the harp of the Spirit. Intercede to Christ our God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion Saint New-Martyr Eugene Rodionov of Chechnya (1977-1996)

Thy martyr, Evgeny, O Lord, in his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God, for having Thy strength he has brought down his torturers, has defeated the powerless insolence of demons. Through his prayers save our souls.

In his sufferings, O Lord, Thy martyr Evgeny received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God;for possessed of Thy might, he set at naught the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Troparion of St Euphrosyne Tone 4

Thou didst give thy wealth to the poor,/ and despise the rank of princess and temporal betrothal./ Thou didst betroth thyself to Christ thy Bridegroom,/ and thy wreath was spiritual and bodily purity./ Now thou dost stand before Him:/ Remember us who venerate thee,/ O Euphrosyne.

Apolytikion St.Elder Evmenios Saridakis of lepers in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone

In thee the image was preserved with exactness, O Father; for taking up thy cross, thou didst follow Christ, and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to overlook the flesh, for it passeth away, but to attend to the soul since it is immortal. Wherefore, O righteous Eumenius, thy spirit rejoiceth with the Angels.