
Iconography and Hand painted icons

What does it mean to take up your cross? I means the willing acceptance, at the hand of Providence, of every means of healing, bitter though it may be, that is offered… Protect yourself with the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross. Saint Nikolai Velimirovič – St. Matrona of Moscow

Σταυρός_Крест Иисуса Христа_Cross of Jesus Christ-Orthodox Icons_crux_gemmata_ravenna460Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Great-martyr Nicetas the Goth (372).
“Novoniketas” Icon of the Mother of God, carried by St Nicetas the Goth (372).
Martyr Porphyrius the Mime of Caesaria (361).
St. Joseph, abbot, of Alaverdi in Georgia (570)
St. Philotheus the Presbyter and Wonderworker, in Asia Minor (10th c.)
Saint Nicetas, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh and founder of the Theophany Monastery in Kostroma (15th century)
New Martyr John of Crete, at New Ephesus (1811)
Virgin-martyr Eudokia Tkachenko (1918)

Commemorated on September 15

“What does it mean to take up your cross? I means the willing acceptance, at the hand of Providence, of every means of healing, bitter though it may be, that is offered. Do great catastrophies fall on you? Be obedient to God’s will, as Noah was. Is sacrifice demanded of you? Give yourself into God’s hands with the same faith as Abram had when he went to sacrifice his son. Is your property ruined? Do your children die suddenly? Suffer it all with patience, cleaving to God in your heart, as Job did. Do your friends forsake you, and you find yourself surrounded by enemies? Bear it all without grumbling, and with faith that God’s help is at hand, as the apostles did.”
St. Nikolai Velimirovich, “The Great Fast – Third Sunday: Of the Holy Cross,” Homilies Vol. 1


Hymn of Praise
the Honorable Cross
by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič

Σταυρός_Holy-Cross_Крест Господня_σχέδιο-028Covered with blood, the saving Cross,
As though in a grave, for a long time, covered with darkness!
For three days in darkness, from you [the Cross] a Hero [Christ] dwelled,
And you [the Cross], three hundred years, under the ground lay.
When, from Hades the forefathers He liberated, the Lord arose,
And, when freedom for the Church reigned, You [the Cross] arose.
After that, the Lord, for a little while, remained on earth
And to the faithful, you [the Cross] for sometime, still shown,
Until you [the Cross] adequately helped them to strengthen the Faith,
Until with the sign of the Cross, everyone learned to sign themselves,
Until, by their conscience, the baptized recognized the power of the Cross –
With this, you [the Cross] completed your service with honor,
A thousand seasons if they come and pass, but still,
Your image, your power will not perish.
The faithful, before the Honorable Cross, pray to Christ the God,
Heal all difficulties, heal all pains by the Honorable Cross.
The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič


In 1925 they asked St. Matrona of Moscow:
“Why did God allow them to close and raze so many Churches in Russia?”
And she answered with the following words:
“This was the will of God. The people are hypnotized, and a terrible demonic power has been put into action. It is in the air, and penetrates everything.
In olden times, this demonic power dwelt in the marshes and the dense forest, because people would go to church regularly, and wore and honored the Cross. Their homes were protected by holy icons, the vigil lamps that were burning, the holy water services which they did…
The demons were sent far away and feared to approach…
Today, however, these homes and these very people have become dwelling places of demons because of their faithlessness and by their distancing themselves from Christ.”

Matushka taught people to leave their lives to God’s will, to live with prayer, to cross oneself and everything around to protect oneself from evil. She advised to have Holy Communion often. “Protect yourselves with the sign of the cross, prayer, holy water, frequent Communion…Light lamps before the icons.”

“When the enemy approaches you, you should pray. Cross yourself as frequently as possible! The cross is like a lock on the door“. Protect yourself with the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross.”
Difficult times are our lot, but we Christians must choose the Cross. Christ has placed us on His sleigh, and he will take us where He will.”


The Holy Presbyter and Wonderworker Philotheus

The Holy Presbyter and Wonderworker Philotheios lived in the X Century in the village of Mrauino (or Murav’evo) located in Bythnia in Asia Minor. He was married and had children. Philotheios accepted the dignity of priesthood and from that time he devoted himself to deeds of prayer and fasting, and works of charity. Because of his holy life the Monk Philotheios received from God the gift of wonderworking. The ascetic continually fed the hungry and helped the needy. The Monk Philotheios died peacefully. From his relics flowed myrh.

The Novonikita Icon

Novonikita Icon_novonikita_32876349856381The Novonikita Icon – is one of the ancient icons of the Mother of God. It appeared to the holy GreatMartyr Nikita (+ 372). The Martyr Nikita was a former soldier and student of Theophilus, Bishop of the Goths. Prior to accepting Baptism from him, Nikita in a dream saw a Child, holding in hand His Cross. Awakening, he for a long time pondered over the meaning of the vision. A certain Christian girl, by the name of Juliania, on an inspiration from God told the youth that he should turn his glance upon his own chest. To his unspeakable astonishment he discovered there on his own chest an image of the MostHoly Mother of God with the Praeternal Christ-Child, standing on the knees of His Mother and holding in hand the Cross. “This is the same image I saw in the dream”, — cried out Saint Nikita. The appearance of the icon produced such an effect on him, that he quickly took holy Baptism. Soon there began a persecution against Christians, and Saint Nikita accepted the martyr’s crown amidst a number of other confessors.

Give yourself into God’s hands with the same faith as Abram had when he went to sacrifice his son.

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:32-49) That God may forgive us, let us forgive men, We are all on this earth as temporary guests.

Troparion of the Cross, in Tone I—

O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance. Grant victory to Orthodox Christians over their adversaries. And by Thy Cross do Thou preserve Thy commonwealth.

troparion of the Theotokos, in Tone IV—

To thee, the Theotokos, we, the sinful and lowly, now earnestly have recourse; and we fall down in repentance, crying out from the depths of our heart: O Mistress, take pity and have mercy upon us! Haste thou, for we are perishing in the multitude of our transgressions! Turn not thy servants empty away, for thee do we have as our only hope!

Troparion Saint Philotheus the Presbyter in Asia Minor – Tone 1

O pure and holy Philotheus, you were a lover of God, And now glorified by the Holy Spirit, You work miracles to save from harm all who cry to you: Glory to him who has glorified you; Glory to him who has made you wonderful; Glory to him who through you works healings for all!

Kontakion – Tone 2

You ended your life in righteousness And were a lover of God. O holy Philotheus, having received power to work wonders, Pray unceasingly for us all!

Troparion, in Tone IV—

Taking up the Cross of Christ ardently, as it were a sword, thou didst make haste to do battle with the enemy, and, having later suffered by fire for Christ, thou didst commit thy sacred soul to the Lord, and hence thou hast been vouchsafed to receive from Him gifts of healing, O greatmartyr Nicetas. Entreat Christ God that our souls be saved.

Brethren, how petty are those Christians who recognize the Lord as resurrected, as the Victor but, nevertheless, retain in their hearts doubt and buries their lives in eternal darkness. Saint Nikolai Velimirovič

Σταύρωσις_The Crucifixion_Greek-Byzantine-Orthodox-Icon_Распятие_ИИСУСА_ХРИСТА20707738_decani2

In 1925 they asked St. Matrona of Moscow:
“Why did God allow them to close and raze so many Churches in Russia?”
And she answered with the following words:
“This was the will of God. The people are hypnotized, and a terrible demonic power has been put into action. It is in the air, and penetrates everything.
In olden times, this demonic power dwelt in the marshes and the dense forest, because people would go to church regularly, and wore and honored the Cross. Their homes were protected by holy icons, the vigil lamps that were burning, the holy water services which they did…
The demons were sent far away and feared to approach…
Today, however, these homes and these very people have become dwelling places of demons because of their faithlessness and by their distancing themselves from Christ.”


About recognizing the Son of Man among the common darkness
by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič

” Truly, this was the Son of God” (St. Matthew 27:54).

Σταυρός_ Holy-Cross_Крест Господня_72892These words were spoken by the captain who carried out his duties conscientiously as a soldier. Under orders of his superiors, he had to guard the body of Christ on Golgotha. Externally, like a machine, but internally, a soul wide awake.

He, a Roman soldier, a pagan, and an idolater, saw all that had occurred at the time of the death of Christ the Lord, and cried out: “Truly, this was the Son of God.” Not knowing about the One God and not knowing the Law and the Prophets, he immediately comprehended that which the priests of the One God and authorities of the Law and the Prophets were unable to comprehend! On this occasion, the word of God came true. “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see, might see, and those who do see, might become blind” (St. John 9:39). Truly, he who was blind in the spirit saw and those who thought they could see were completely blinded.

Was it not possible that the elders of the Jews did not see the darkened sun, did not feel the earthquake, did not notice how the rocks were split, did not see that the veil in the Temple was rent, did not recognize many of the saints who came out from opened graves and appeared in Jerusalem?

They saw all of this and all of them accurately witnessed all of this. Nevertheless, their spirits remained blind and their hearts, stony. All of these manifestations, the awesome and the unusual, they probably interpreted as the unbelieving would do today – accidents and illusions. The pagans of all times interpret everything as accidents or self-deceptions whenever the finger of God appears to reprimand men, to direct or to inform them.

The Roman captain Longinus, which was the soldier’s name, saw all that occurred without prejudice and beneath the cross confessed his faith in the Son of God. His exclamation was not wrested accidentally from his frightened heart. But that was his confession of faith, for which he later on laid down his life to embrace a better life in the Kingdom of Christ.

O brethren, how great is this Roman captain, who upon seeing the lifeless Lord between thieves crucified on the dunghill of Golgotha, recognized Him as God and confessed Him as God. O brethren, how petty are those Christians who recognize the Lord as resurrected, as Glorified, as the Victor and the Victor-bearer through thousands of His saints but, nevertheless, retain in their hearts doubt like a poisonous serpent who poisons them every day and buries their lives in eternal darkness.

O crucified and resurrected Lord, have mercy on us and save us!

To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič

Apolytikion of the Holy Cross – First Tone

O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Grant victories to the to the Emperor over the barbarians; and by the power of Thy Cross, preserve Thy habitation.

Apolytikion in the Plagal of the First Tone (amateur translation)

Unassailable eighth pillar of Russia, who was blind from birth, we reverently praise Matrona the ever-memorable, as a treasury of divine gifts and fervent love towards all those in danger, crying out scatter the darkness of our passions with the light of Your grace.

The Cross is the guardian of the whole world; the Cross is the beauty of the Church, the Cross is the might of kings; the Cross is the confirmation of the faithful, the Cross is the glory of angels and the wounding of demons.” (Exapostilarion of the Exaltation of the Cross)